A recruitment management system and web-based applicant portal to manage the recruitment process for all types of vacancy. Easy-to-use and efficient features support the recruitment process, from advertising the vacancy to short listing and interviews through to final job offer.

The system offers numerous time saving features to streamline administration, including customisable filters to help sift and reject unsuitable candidates, and automatic generation of emails at each stage of the process. This module will help you to get ahead and stay ahead in the search for the best candidates.


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Unlimited vacancy and candidate data

Link to external job sites, job boards and social media

Create and format advertisements

Candidate management portal for recruiters

Desktop and mobile applicant portal

Pre-defined candidate screening rules

Collaborative candidate rating for panel recruitment

Customised, automatic candidate notifications


Time to hire is reduced

Recruitment costs are slashed

All recruitment is managed centrally

Provides an immersive candidate experience

Get ahead of the competition

  • Maximise the use of your website
  • Allow data capture to be initiated by applicants
  • Advertise vacancies via job boards and social media
  • An anytime, anywhere dashboard view of recruitment data
  • Create, publish and send offers, emails and other correspondence
  • A responsive approach ensures you reach the best candidates ahead of your competitors
  • Recruiters have an up to the minute view of vacancies and can progress applications at any time
  • An eye catching, user friendly Recruitment Management portal enabling applications via your website
Man and woman shaking hands at beginning of job interview

Save time and money

Save money and eradicate the time consuming aspects of recruitment

  • Manage a talent pool
  • Screen candidates automatically
  • Secure candidate and vacancy data
  • All your information held in one place
  • Maintain a complete application history
  • Customise filters and pre-sift applications
  • Turn routine administration into proactive development of your talent pool
Frontier Software recruitment software on a large desktop screen.

Real time management reports

  • Query all applications
  • Schedule reports daily
  • Track and manage vacancies
  • Track candidates at every stage
  • All reports can be delivered automatically to the relevant people
  • Enhanced information with customised reports on advertising media, costs and time to recruit
  • Track every stage of the vacancy and associated applicants, with on-demand access to statistics
Business man in glasses reviewing printed report output in office setting.