Transform your HR function by moving time intensive, administrative tasks away from HR or Payroll and directly empowering your staff.


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Ready to engage and empower your employees?


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Flexible, intuitive design

Online access to HR and payroll data

Links to intranet and other external resources

Powerful workflow notifications and approvals

Electronic payslip distribution

Configurable access levels


Provides anytime access to HR and payroll data

Reduces administrative burden

Engages and empowers employees

Eliminates data rekeying bottlenecks and errors

Focus on Strategy, not Process

Provide your employees with secure remote access to perform functions traditionally administered via HR or payroll departments. Typically these include:

  • Viewing a variety of HR data items
  • Entering timesheets / expense claims
  • Applying for training courses / leave / vacancies
  • Reviewing company policy documents and latest news
  • Amending / updating personal information and bank details

The module integrates with other self service functions including Performance Management, Recruitment, Learning and Development. That means you can focus on operational and strategic matters, not process.

Woman in office corridor smiling while carrying some paperwork.

Efficient Data Management

Real-time updating of your database ensures that users are making decisions based on current information that complies with statutory, audit and data validation procedures. Self service speeds up management of the following key tasks:

  • Learning requests – forwarded to the training or line manager for approval
  • Performance review – review performance against previous approved KPIs
  • Email notifications – automatically directed to managers and employees advising actions that have occurred
  • Timesheet entry – hours worked are keyed in by the employee and sent automatically to the manager for approval
  • Leave applications – completed by the employee and the request is automatically available to the manager for approval
Frontier Software Self-service home page displayed on laptop computer.