cbr="decadd",decdectype="EMSSP",decdecstmt="I am notifying the ATO that:\n * provides these businesses with lodgment transaction services; and\n * these businesses, for the purposes of its transactions with the ATO via the SBR channel, sends (and receives) those transactions to (and from) the ATO via .\n\nI declare the information transmitted in these payroll reports is true and correct and I am authorised to make this declaration.",decsgnstmt="Tick this box to sign the declaration with the credentials you used to login and to authorise lodgment with 's machine credential." cbr="decadd",decdectype="ESSP",decdecstmt="I am notifying the ATO that:\n * provides my business with lodgment transaction services; and\n * my business, for the purposes of its transactions with the ATO via the SBR channel, sends (and receives) those transactions to (and from) the ATO via .\n\nI declare the information transmitted in this payroll report is true and correct and I am authorised to make this declaration.",decsgnstmt="Tick this box to sign the declaration with the credentials you used to login and to authorise lodgment with your approved sending service provider's machine credential." cbr="decadd",decdectype="RAMSSP",decdecstmt="I am notifying the ATO that:\n * provides my clients with lodgment transaction services; and\n * each client (the entity), for the purposes of its transactions with the ATO via the SBR channel, sends (and receives) those transactions to (and from) the ATO via .\n\n * I have prepared this payroll report in accordance with the information supplied by the entity.\n * I have received a declaration from the entity stating that the information provided to me is true and correct.\n * I am authorised by the entity to give this document to the Commissioner.",decsgnstmt="Tick this box to sign the declaration with the credentials you used to login and to authorise lodgment with your approved sending service provider's machine credential." cbr="decadd",decdectype="RASSP",decdecstmt="I am notifying the ATO that:\n * provides my client with lodgment transaction services; and\n * my client (the entity), for the purposes of its transactions with the ATO via the SBR channel, sends (and receives) those transactions to (and from) the ATO via .\n\n * I have prepared this payroll report in accordance with the information supplied by the entity.\n * I have received a declaration from the entity stating that the information provided to me is true and correct.\n * I am authorised by the entity to give this document to the Commissioner.",decsgnstmt="Tick this box to sign the declaration with the credentials you used to login and to authorise lodgment with 's machine credential." cbr="decadd",decdectype="ED",decdecstmt="I declare the information transmitted in this payroll report is true and correct and I am authorised to make this declaration.",decsgnstmt="Tick this box to sign this declaration with the credentials you used to login and your machine credential." cbr="decadd",decdectype="EMD",decdecstmt="I declare the information transmitted in this payroll report is true and correct and I am authorised to make this declaration.",decsgnstmt="Tick this box to sign this declaration with the credentials you used to login and your machine credential which has assigned permissions for the ABNs included." cbr="decadd",decdectype="RAD",decdecstmt="* I have prepared this payroll report in accordance with the information supplied by the entity.\n* I have received a declaration from the entity stating that the information provided to me is true and correct.\n* I am authorised by the entity to give this document to the Commissioner.",decsgnstmt="Tick this box to sign this declaration with the credentials you used to login and your machine credential." cbr="decadd",decdectype="RAMD",decdecstmt="* I have prepared this payroll report in accordance with the information supplied by the entity.\n* I have received a declaration from the entity stating that the information provided to me is true and correct.\n* I am authorised by the entity to give this document to the Commissioner.",decsgnstmt="Tick this box to sign this declaration with the credentials you used to login and your machine credential for the ABNs included."